Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday, Isaiah!


5 years ago I wasn't recovering from a fun night out, nope.... 5 years ago I was recovering from delivering my only son.

Isaiah, my New Year's baby, turns 5 and I can't believe it! It's bittersweet. Bitter because he's my BABY, but sweet because he's growing up to be a fine boy!

When people found out we were having a boy after three girls, I heard the typical "poor boy" responses, but let me set the record straight.

ONE Isaiah EQUALS his three sisters! NO POOR Isaiah! He is ALL boy, rough and tumble, but sweet as can be, too! He's full of character and we laugh DAILY at his antics!

Nope, not poor Isaiah.


Every New Year we celebrate him! The boy who loves trucks, tractors, Nerf guns, anything camo, and his new found joy, Legos.

Happy 5th Birthday, Isaiah Nicholas! I am so blessed to be your mom and can only pray that I am setting a good example of what a wife and mother should be!


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