Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kindergarten Made Fun (internet fun for free)

This little boy makes me heart smile! He's the baby of the family and, of course, the only boy. To say that he and I have a special bond would be an understatement! Thanks to three older sisters, he's incredibly bright having sat and listened to their school lessons for FIVE (where has time gone?!) years!
I began him this year (January) as an unofficial Kindergartener. He isn't required to do anything until later this year, when I'll have to file a letter of intent for him.
I am not a fan of children sitting for hours in front of a screen. No matter how educational it may be. I am a fan of learning being made fun and if it comes in front of the screen.... Just not hours, right?
His sisters use Switched-On Schoolhouse for Math beginning in 3rd grade and English beginning in 4th. For my 4th grader it usually takes her around 1 hour to complete both tasks for any given day. Often times it might take her a little less.
Since my Kindergartener is only 5, I am not a fan of hard-core, extensive, forced learning. Yet, he has a desire to learn and he also thinks that if his sisters can use the computer, why can't he?
For math, we use IXL Math. You get so many problems for free, usually just enough before he gets bored with it. You can purchase a membership at a really reasonable price, if you wanted. I just like the free part, I don't feel like I have to force him to do more than he wants.
What I LOVE about IXL is that there are tons of different problems for different levels. IXL offers grade problems for grade levels Pre-K through 8th, but in the Kindergarten level you get addition and subtraction with and without pictures, counting 3 to 100, word problems, telling time, money, sorting and classifying, shapes, and more! It's perfect and with very little help from Mom, he's able to work it himself!

Another program that we like (you know, because it's free and fun) is Starfall. We use this for reading practice and just like IXL, there are different levels. It starts with the ABCs and goes all the way through them actually reading on their own. Very kid friendly and very easy for little hands to maneuver!

Many, many fun things for the kids to do. There are little videos to watch that help teach them letter sounds, "games" that help them build words, and with just one click of the mouse the child can have the word "read" to them! It is such a huge hit at our house... because it's fun and of course, mama likes it that way!
ABCYa has lots and lots of fun (learning) games, too! Perfect for the little ones! 
Progressive Phonics is a phonics program that you can do online. It isn't interactive, but has downloadable phonic books you can either print or read online. There are additional activity sheets you can print also.
Do you have any fun, educational online games for a Kindergartener?


NextGen Homeschool said...

Thank you for sharing this on NextGen Homeschool's "What's Working Wednesday" link-up, Erika! I am always on the lookout for great educational Web sites & apps, and everything on your list was new to me. I appreciate your advice! Hope to see you on the link-up regularly.

Unknown said...

We also use and love IXL math. I have bought the subscription for all my kids and I'm amazed how every year it ends up being just so worth the money!!! I would love you to come link this up at our toddlers/preschoolers themed link up at brighton park, so others can find it to! ~~Katie


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