Monday, April 15, 2013

Before You Meet Prince Charming (Review/Giveaway)

Purity, waiting on the Lord, and following Him are subjects near and dear to my heart. As a mom to three beautiful girls I want to make sure that I'm equipping them in those areas. Faced with society, I want to make sure that what I give them backs up my belief and what I'm trying to teach them. Society fights against these very topics on a daily basis and it's crucial that parents step up even more to fight against the Devil.
Today I'm sharing my review on the book, Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally. I'm also giving away one copy to one of YOU!
First the review:

In the book you will find....
-All Scripture King James Version (which was a plus to me)
- the emphasis on a decision to put Jesus 1st in all areas of life
- the encouragement to stand alone (if needed) for what was right
- the admonishment to patiently follow God's way
Sarah Mally tells the reader that the "temptation in this boy/girl relationships is one of the biggest snares that the enemy uses to damage lives and testimonies of Christian young people." Lives have been destroyed and many walk away with scars, pain, and heartache! (page 22) All through the book young girls are reminded a) that they are princesses and b) that the decision to put Jesus first must happen.
I've never been a fan of girls claiming to be "princesses" because in our society "princesses" tend to equal spoiled brat. However, the type of princess that Sarah uses is very much true.... as daughters of the king, our young girls are indeed princesses.
I love the fact that there are tons of Scripture used throughout the book. Our thinking should be shaped with Scripture and not growing trends (page 34) and it is really reaffirmed in the book. Each chapter has assignments and suggested memory verses. On top of those verses, many of Sarah's writings are backed (supported) through and by Scripture! In fact, she encourages the use of memorizing Bible verses to help our young ladies stand up for what is right!
As you might imagine, the book is very anti-dating, but it is backed up strongly with Scripture. Just by reading the book, young girls (and parents) can see for themselves how damaging traditional dating can be.
Sarah doesn't just write a book filled with admonishments, but she also shares helpful tips as our young girls wait for their Prince Charming. For instance, you will find "keys to help wait", "how to know you're even ready for marriage" and "7 reasons to send young men to your dad". And yes, Sarah writes from personal experience. She is a 20-something young lady who is not married and knows the challenges our young girls will face/do face as they take a path less traveled.
I, as a mom, loved reading the book because it gave me encouragement as I encourage my daughters to set themselves apart. I want all of their firsts to be given to their future spouse- if being married is the Lord's will for them- but I also want to encourage them to strive to serve the Lord by serving others instead of focusing on having a boyfriend or longing to be married. Sarah pointed out several things I hadn't thought of- such as how special a "first expression of interest" and the first "I love you" will be. It isn't something to be taken lightly, but in today's world these things (and more) are commonly just handed away. We have Kindergarteners who are eager to have boyfriends and kissing happens on the playground. As Sarah points out "Many young people seem to want to get as close to "the line" as possible and still remain pure. But looking at the big picture of our lives ought to motivate us to have the opposite perspective. The question is not "how little" can I save for my future husband and still be pure-- the question is how much can I save for him?"
In a perfect world, all of our little girls would grow up and truly marry Prince Charming, but the world we live in is less and less perfect. I want to carefully lay out God's will for them to remain pure for their future spouse, but I also want to equip them with the knowledge that if Prince Charming never comes they will be okay. I want to teach them and remind them (over and over and over), that there life and fulfillment does not come from a husband, but from the One who Created them. Before You Meet Prince Charming states this fact over... and over... and over.
I loved this book and will be sharing it with my daughters as they get older.
Check out the website, Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc., for more resources about purity, establishing good relationships between siblings, and more!
The Giveaway:
Sorry, this giveaway is open to US Residents only!


Sherry said...

Wow, TF has a lot of awesome resources! I guess if I have to pick what I'm interested in, it would be the Character curriculums, because that's what I'm going over with my daughter right now. Thank you!

Jane said...

This is a new store to me. I'm very impressed with their witnessing bundles! I need to go check it out some more!

whitsend6 said...

Several things look good! I thought the brother/sister materials were interesting though. Also some of the character building products. Thanks for doing a giveaway! I would love thsi book for my 8 yr old girl.


Becky said...

The Bright Lights items look interesting! Why that choice? Because I have many of the other resources!

Becky said...

The Bright Lights items look interesting! Why that choice? Because I have many of the other resources!


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