Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Update Post

Honestly.... I'm not even sure where to begin. SO much has happened since April 2013! It wasn't long after that good-bye post that we moved to Kansas. It was a nightmare. Ministry wise, it was the worst thing I had ever experienced, but through that God grew my family's faith and we stayed strong and faithful to Him. Despite how horrible it was, I am thankful that we went through that because the life lessons were huge!
I'm happy to say that we are no longer in Kansas and are now serving God at a wonderful church in SE Arkansas! Let me just say, this Arkansas girl was glad to get back!!! We've been here for a little over 6 months and it's wonderful! God has truly blessed us! We have a beautiful house, lots of yard room, safe neighborhood, great church members, good friends, you name it!
Since March, I have begun (finally) getting back to a health and fitness lifestyle. You can follow my journey by checking out the page at the top (My Gettin' Fit Journey)! I became a Beachbody coach and now work with (mostly) women who want to change their lives and get into shape! My own journey has me down 30 pounds and over 25 inches!

I've started teaching piano again, too!
We're starting a new school year- still homeschooling and going strong!
All in all, it's been a great summer! We've stayed busy, we've had fun! We grew a garden, went to the beach, enjoyed three Vacation Bible Schools, went on walks, caught fish, BBQ'd and more!
I wish I could say that I have everything figured out and am no longer on the "slowly" natural journey.... but truthfully, I have gotten pretty off-track and am SO ready to get back!

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