Thursday, September 25, 2014

Oh the weather outside is LOVELY!

Earlier this week, the temperatures took a very fall-like feel here in Southeast Arkansas! It. Was. DELIGHTFUL!!!!
Nice, gentle breeze.
Humidity gone.
Sun shining.
It was splendid!
I contemplated canceling school, but knew that I needed to stick to our schedule.... so I did the next best thing...
We moved outside!
It totally made my 1st graders day when I suggested we do his math outside- on the trampoline. Mom?! On the trampoline?! With HIM!? Oh yea! Mom points right there!!!

We had the girls join us- pulling up chairs and benches- while we did Life of Fred, Science, Grammar, and individual reading time! Did I mention that it was lovely???
Best day of the school year so far!
What about you? How often do you school outside?


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