Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One last post.....

..... until after Christmas anyways!

I wanted to try to have at least one more informative post before "breaking for the holidays", but a week-long sickness struck my household and well, it isn't going to happen. A lot happening though in the next two weeks.

Thursday ~ I turn 30.
Tuesday~ Christmas
Next Tuesday~ Isaiah turns 5 (oh, and it becomes the year 2013!)

On top of all that, I have a review/giveaway planned for Glass Dharma (glass straws). I was sent a whole box of goodies to sample from Sunstone Formulas and will be determining later if I want to sell some of their products online. They seem like a really great company that offers products that are natural. Shortly after the first of the year I have a review/giveaway planned for Squatty Potty (hey! no laughing!).

Plus, somewhere in there I have a 5th b'day to plan and a brand new semester of school to organize and get ready to kick off with a bang! 

So, while I wanted to write a post about how we battled this recent illness, it's going to have to wait! Life has just gotten too crazy and I need to put something on hold!


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