Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Christmas

I've mentioned how we were doing things differently this Christmas. We were trying to keep things in focus as well as simple. It was a hit!
We did not do any stockings, but didn't even miss them! We replaced that time with a book exchange. Everyone really enjoyed handing out the books they had purchased.
Mistic had me for the book exchange so I gave her a few Amish fiction suggestions. She gave me A Hand To Hold by Kathleen Fuller.
I had Isaiah (almost 5) and found him a book very fitting for a boy who loves tractors. The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village by Francis Chan is a book that teaches how God has a special purpose for you.
Daddy had Faith (8 1/2) and gave her two new Amelia Bedelia books (her fave!). We enjoy laughing over the predicaments that Amelia finds herself in and we are looking forward to an Amelia Bedelia chapter book due out in January.

Isaiah bought for Aspen (7) and found her a couple level readers from Walmart.

Aspen drew her dad's name and chose to gift him a couple "outdoor living type" magazine subscriptions since he isn't a big reader.

Faith bought for Mistic (9 1/2) and decided to give a child's Amish fiction book. Look Out! Lancaster County by Wanda E. Brunstetter is Mistic's first Amish book and I'm looking forward to hearing what she thinks. I have some of Wanda's other books and look forward to sharing this author with my oldest.

Another thing that we did different was a gift exchange complete with a $25 limit. This was slightly different for me, we usually spend quite a bit more on each of the kids. However, our hearts have been drawn to simplicity and the kids are always given gifts by family and friends. None of them are lacking anything. By drawing names, it made our gift exchange more personal. I'm proud of each of the kids- they were careful about the purchase for the one who they had. They wanted it to be a gift that was enjoyed and not just given!

Aspen and Faith drew each other's name. Aspen found Faith a big Raggedy Ann doll and Faith found Aspen a Minnie Mouse Snuggie!

Isaiah and Mistic exchanged gifts. Both giving the other an Angry Bird toy with Mistic receiving a colorful Pillow Pet and Isaiah getting his very first pocket knife. Don't worry. The pocket knife is used only when Daddy is around and stays on Daddy's dresser.

Nick and I ended up exchanging gifts. It wasn't planned that way, but it was special. I found him a neat little plastic organizer, perfect for nails, screws, and bolts. I was also able to give him a magnectic tool that will make pickups of nails much easier and an all-in-one screwdriver! Hubby did great giving me a gift, too! I have a 18 picture frame that says "Cherish Family Love" in the middle! I LOVE picture frames and enjoyed finding the PERFECT pictures for my new frame! It hangs on the wall in the living room and I smile every time I see it.

Doing things this way really made the day more special, more meaningful. We got many other gifts from family and friends and enjoyed spending the day relaxing as we celebrated Christ's birth.

One other thing that we did differently this year was by choosing a gift to give to God. My gift to God was the gift of my time. I haven't been spending as much time with Him as I should/need to and I want that to change this year.

How was your Christmas?


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