Friday, January 25, 2013

A Day In Our Homeschool

There are no two days alike in our house. This is just what happened to be going on the day I took these pictures.
 It just so happened to be a pajama day. We have these rarely, most days we are dressed in regular clothes before school begins.
There are days that we sit and work on our Mystery of History notecards or Wall of Fame like shown here.
Other days we might be doing a Science project or Health lesson.
And of course, learning happens ALL the time- not just at set times.
We always begin the day with Bible time after breakfast. I didn't take a picture of that, but we're all settled in the living room- some on the couch, others on the floor, Daddy always in his chair. Some days we each share something from the Bible. Lately, Isaiah has picked a story from a children's story Bible and the rest of us might share a favorite passage or verse. My favorite verse is Romans 12:2. Other days Daddy might teach us something about Bible customs, or we might introduce or go over a new character quality. Other times, Daddy choses a Scripture to read and then explains it to us. Sometimes there's singing. Sometimes there's not. We always end in prayer.
After Bible time, we head into Science or History. We do those subjects alternating days. I didn't take a picture of it because it looked A LOT like the picture from the other week! Daddy does Science and I do History. Science involves the girls gathered around Daddy in his chair. I know I've mentioned it before, but we REALLY like Apologia!
While Science is being taught in the living room, Isaiah and I are in the dining room working on Kindergarten lessons. It's the only time during the day we have any official sit down lessons. Short and sweet.
On this particular day, we were reviewing our sight word: the, by cutting and gluing the letters out to form the word. We also introduced a new sight word: and.
 I didn't have any worksheets lined out, so we got out our blocks and did a little math. We put all the colors together and then lined them up from largest to smallest. We then did some addition with them. 1 block plus 1 block equals two blocks kind of thing.
We also did rainbow numbers! It was a hit!!! We do rainbow letters, too. I take a marker- usually a yellow or something light and write what I want them to trace. They then go over it and over it using different markers. You can see that we were working on numbers 11-15.
 We did some alphabet matching (upper case to lower case) and worked a little more in our BOB books- reviewing letters M, A, T, S.
The girls got done with Science a few minutes before we were ready, so I tossed them a bag of mini domino pieces and told them to practice multiplying!
After Science and Kindergarten, Isaiah ran off to play and Aspen began her work on the computer. Her work consists of one thing: Math. Switched-On Schoolhouse is an absolute answered prayer for us!
I love the fact that in math they DO math the old-fashioned way.... paper and pencil, but then they can answer it on the computer. Most of the time, the answers are multiple choice. As a teacher I'm able to go in and see how many tries it took them to answer the question, to prevent them from just guessing.
 While Aspen is working on math.... Someone is on the piano. Then we switch out. Mistic waits until quiet time for the others to do her SOS Math and English, so after she finishes her handwriting (a character quality or Bible verse) you can usually find her playing with her siblings, curled up with a book, practicing the piano, or catching up with her chores during this time.
After Aspen, it's Faith's turn.
I usually sit nearby to help her. She's doing AWESOME using SOS Math. There are times though that her brain still computers 18 as 80 or she might miscount something. I'm there in case she needs a little refocusing or reminding what she JUST said. We also take turns writing the problems out on paper to solve. I want her to do it herself, but I don't want her burnt out or frustrated.

Her favorite part of SOS, though? The arcade section! I love the arcade, too, because they work on her vocabulary words. Not vocabulary from English, but every lesson- even in Math- has vocabulary words. Addition, difference, subtrahend, etc... She plays games that reinforce the words in her brain.
All four of them get piano practice during the morning. It just depends on who is available and what else is going on at that time. I love being able to teach them and pass on my passion! I have to admit, it excites me to watch them all learn! Even at 5, Isaiah joined in- by his choice.

Most of these studies are finished by noon, so we can eat lunch together. The younger three head off to their rooms around 1pm for quiet time and Mistic hops on the computer and works on her math and English.
What does a day look like in your homeschool?


Mrs. Settles said...

Thanks for sharing your day! I love to see how other home school families "do it".


The Southern Peach-Girls said...

I've really enjoyed reading some of your posts. A friend of mine just introduced me to your blog. Thank you for sharing your heart and your days. It is encouraging to see others walking in the Lord's ways.

Blessings to you and your family,


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