Friday, February 1, 2013

30 while 30 Update

When I turned 30 last month I came up with 30 things to do while I was 30. Here's an update!
1. Try one new project/recipe from Pinterest a month

Done for January! I chose a simple project, simply using a picture frame and chalkboard spray paint! I love it, though!

4. Sew a skirt
For some of you, this is NOTHING! You make skirts DAILY with all sorts of trim and ruffles.... but this was JUST fabric when I began and I didn't use ANY pattern!
8. Grind my own wheat
I bought a grinder, but won't be able to try this until next month once we're off the Maker's Diet.

9. Read at least one new book a month
Check! I've actually read MORE than one!

In January I have read:
100 Pound Loser by Jessica Heights
Frumps to Pumps by Sarah Mae
31 Days to Clean (also by Sarah Mae!)
Trim Healthy Mama by Serene Allison & Pearl Barrett (read my review of it here)
A Hand To Hold by Kathleen Fuller (Amish Fiction I received for Christmas)

12. Sucessfully do 40 days of The Maker's Diet
So far.....

14. Begin (and finish) a cross-stitch

15. Begin a card ministry

This month I sent out 8 cards to different people. People I have never met. It is such a blessing to me, though, being able to pray for them and hopefully they find my cards encouraging and maybe even puts a smile on their face. 

16. Lose 75lbs
Working on it..... Down 7 this month.... I know it still leaves a lot to go, but....

19. Learn to wear my hair in different styles
I bought two styling tools to help achieve this- one for curls and one for S waves. I still want to practice some actual hairstyles, but I haven't found time yet.

28. Buy 4 notebooks and write monthly letter to each kid
29. Take a monthly picture with each kid and add to notebook

Done & Done- for January! 

So, month 1 down- 11 more to go!


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