Friday, February 1, 2013


Five Minute Friday
Every week bloggers are able to come together and write for five straight minutes about whatever that week's word is.
This week's word: afraid
Start time: 2:22pm
Afraid. What a word to have this week. I am definitely experiencing some of this here lately.
Afraid of the what if's....
The good thing is, I don't have to be afraid. Even when things are crazy and unsure and unknown.
As a mom, being afraid of the choices you make can become all-consuming.
Am I doing the right thing as a mom? Am I disciplining and guiding? Am I being unreasonable? Am I being loving? Am I setting a good example?
Thank God, though, that I don't have to be afraid. I can trust Him to guide my steps as a parent.
As a missionary's wife I even experience being afraid that someone won't like me for who I am!
Am I smiling enough? Are my clothes just right? Am I supporting my husband in the exact way they think I should be?
God created me PERFECTLY- what's not to like, right?
Afraid. Being afraid can be too much to handle. Being afraid can just take over your life.
But it doesn't have to. I don't have to be afraid of the "what ifs". I don't have to be afraid of my decisions. I don't have to be afraid of "fitting in".
As long as I am following God and trusting in Him there is no need to be afraid.
Trusting is what can cancel out the fears of being afraid.
End time: 2:27pm
Join me and a ton of other bloggers over at: Five Minute Fridays!


michelle said...

Nicely said! Happy FMF!

Unknown said...

Hi Erika
I relate to your thoughts on fear, but I have found the best remedy for all those feelings was to talk to our Pappa God about it, telling Him of your helplessness to change and that you need Him to help!! Yes, as we follow Him into the uncertain we might not always feel comfortable, but we don't need to fear!!
Glad to meet you at FMF! I think this is my first visit to your blog.

Anonymous said...

and I would like to add another fear-fighter: Gratitude!
You can either totally live the present moment and appreciate what you are blessed with or you can give in to fear and let it rule over you.

J.L. Neyhart said...

it is so hard to release the fears and trust Him...

my post here:


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