Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Goodbye, my dear friends!

I wrote about it briefly here, so you knew it was coming.
Perhaps you will all do a happy dance!
Perhaps you will mourn my absence.

Regardless, the time has come.
My oldest daughter is 10 years old and the Lord has been working on my heart in the last few months. Convicting me of all my time spent online. My hours of blogging, Facebooking, and more. Hours I could have spent doing other things.
Like spending quality time with my family.
Spending time with Him.
Building and edifying Him.
Teaching my children how to serve others.
Sitting, observing, listening.
I don't regret any of the time spent on my blog, sharing my heart.
The reality is... when I stop and think about it.... the numbers are staggering though.
I was heavily involved with the internet during my teen years. I regret many things I did/got into then. Things no teenager has any business being associated with.
When I got married, my attention shifted to message boards. The ones where you talk about your journey of trying to conceive children and then later the ones about your pregnancy journey and your child's first year. When my kids reached school-age, I shifted more to the blog. Sharing about our homeschool journey and personal life. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more entered the picture, too. My blog became more than just a homeschool mom's journal, it became an outlet.
Let's just say.... there's been well over 12+ years of heavy involvement on the internet.
And yes, unfortunately, many, many times that involvement took my attention off of things that truly should have been more important.  
I'm listening to God more now than ever though, and I feel Him asking me to step away from my blog and Facebook. To allow my focus to turn towards my children, my husband, my service and devotion to Him.
I'm listening.Part of me wishes I didn't have to say "goodbye", but I know that is what is needed.

I pray that you, my dear friends, understand! I will miss you all. Many, many times over the years you, yes, YOU, has blessed me! I praise God for that!!!
So.... without further ado.... I bid you farewell!
The blog will remain up, in case there is something that you would like to come back and see. 


Jane said...

With every negative comes a positive and you've chose whats gonna be a couple of big positives in your family! I applaud you!

Kim said...

Good for you. I have been feeling the Lord nudge me to not spend so much time on the internet lately as well.
Thank you for the encouragement and I will be praying that God will help you in your obedience. :)

busymomof10 said...

Admire your courage and conviction!! Blessings always follow obedience!

Treasures from a shoebox said...

Very bold and courageous decision!

I closed my FB page and pulled back several months ago for similar reasons. Online community can be a wonderful thing, but the internet can also be a huge time waster. I too have considered leaving altogether, but haven't come to that conclusion as of yet.

May the Lord richly bless you as seek to live for Him!

Unknown said...

I think you are amazing, and will miss you! I'm so glad we are instagram friends! If you ever need to talk, let me know. Bless you, sister

Anonymous said...

I will definitely miss seeing you on FB, but I also understand. Thank you for being such an example of obedience and humility. I'll look forward to keeping up with your blog. :-)

Tonya said...

Good for you:) It is never a mistake to follow the Lord.


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