Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Simply Cleansing Review

I'm all about supporting family businesses and that is exactly what Simply Cleansing is. A family business. Dad is a bladesmith, Mom makes soaps, aromatherapy roll-ons, and more!
We love the convenience of the aromatherapy roll-ons. I don't have to go mix up my carrier oils and essential oils making it very easy to travel with them. We use them for headaches (the Simply Relaxing is good for that because of the lavender), just to inhale some beautiful scents (my fave is the Simply Vitality), and to help relax or rejuvenate us!

 We typically apply the roll-on to our foreheads, back of neck, behind our ear lobes, and even on the back of our wrists! I absolutely love how easy they are to use. I keep them on top of the piano in the living room so we can apply them during the day, but when I travel I simply drop them into our travel bag. Even though they use a mix of grapeseed and almond oil, they are willing to just make it with one. Perfect for our nut allergic daughter- ours only contain grapeseed.
The Simply Relaxing contains Lavender, Tangerine, Rose and Orange Oil.

The Simply Vitality contains Peppermint, Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Orange, and Grapefruit essential oils.

The Simply Meditation contains Patchouli, Olibanum, Pimento (allspice),and Citronella essential oils.
Great for bug bites, relaxing muscles, calming children, and more!

 Their soaps are great, too! We really like how smooth they make our skin and how lovely the smell is. It isn't the strong, cosmetic smell that soaps from Walmart have.... it's a gentle, natural smell.
You can get scents like spearmint, lavender, cedarwood, and more! They even have a shaving soap!

Recently they've added another product: hand carved mahogany spoons! Aren't these GORGEOUS?
Go check out their website and like them on Facebook!

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