Friday, January 4, 2013

Changes in 2013

Previously, I've blogged about whatever, whenever. I had no set rhythm, no set pattern, no real focus or direction. For my blog, or my life.

I've come to see the great need though for that- focus and direction.

I need to have more time with God- so He's going to be the first thing I go to in the mornings- instead of checking

I need to keep my family first and put forth greater effort into our homeschool and into my husband and mine's ministry. The afternoon will be time to blog- but only after my work is done. If homeschool is running late or I have fell behind on ministry work then the blog will be put on the back burner until we've caught up.

Why? Because God and family are the most important things in my life and I need to allow them to reflect that. I can't do that if I'm always online checking in- on my phone or on the computer.

Speaking of phones, I'm deleting my Twitter app, Facebook page app, and even my Pinterest app from it. I may have a smart phone, but I need to be smart about my life! I CONSTANTLY check those things and need to stop. I'm missing out on life.

My goal will be to at least blog 4-5 times a month - dealing with natural living. Natural as in health and wellness, but also natural things such as homeschooling and growing in God.

I can utilize quiet time and schedule blog posts as well as status updates on Facebook, but I may become a bit quieter, too.

My children are young and I don't want to look back and realize that I've missed out.

Missed out on opportunities to teach and help them grow.
Missed out on opportunities for hugs and kisses.
Missed out on opportunities to chat.
Missed out on opportunities to bake, play with Legos, or read a book.

My husband is the love of my life and I don't want to look back and realize that I've missed out.

Missed out on meaningful discussions.
Missed out on growing together as a couple.
Missed out on bonding with him.
Missed out on opportunities to love- and be loved.

It's not just the internet that has captured my attention. It isn't even just my phone and the "smartness" of it. It's the TV, too. We've drastically reduced the time we've wached TV, but it isn't enough. It's all too easy to turn the TV on and use it as a baby-sitter or a stress reducer or just something to occupy time.

I want to be used, not to be idle. I want to grow relationships- with real people and not those on TV. I want to have opportunities to open the Bible and teach my children, I want opportunities to laugh with them.

I need to have a balance.

At one time I thought I might like to really grow my blog. Become one of these well known bloggers- who writes eBooks and has online ministries, etc... And while that's GREAT and AWESOME, it's not for me. It's not who God wants me to be. 2012 held a LOT of changes for me and my family, but I feel like I missed out on some changes because I was TOO connected to Facebook, Twitter, TV, and my iPhone.

I want to be fully used by God in this state of life that I am. I am a mom of four and a wife to one. I want to put them first and be 100% fully invested in them. I want to allow God to direct and I want to grow in Him.

What is your goal for 2013?


Naomi said...

Erika...your change will be a blessing to you and your family. I always say faith and family first no matter what. I'm glad you will continue to blog when time allows. God bless.

Naomi said...

Erika...your change will be a blessing to you and your family. I always say faith and family first no matter what. I'm glad you will continue to blog when time allows. God bless.

Becky said...

Dear Erika,
wonderful words to hear!
I have been homeschooling since the birth of my first child in more in the nest (highschool). I treasure the time I have had with my kids as they have grown and know that God used them to grow me up! lol
The media is so captivating and though we have no regular tv (dvds only) there was much time wasted when the kids were small.
One great regret for me was when we allowed our 12 yo to get a gameboy....ah well.
I cannot change that, but Can corral my own issues. I quit facebook several months ago. I regained SO MUCH TIME!! Now I have to be careful about how much time I spend reading wonderful blogs! ;-)
You will be wonderfully blessed by your decisions.
It is often said that we can know what someone values by looking at their checkbook = how they spend their money. We can also see by their calendar and how they spend there time.

Unknown said...

We are doing the same things. The internet will always be there, but my children are only little once. blessings to you! katie at brighton park


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