Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 2013 Word

I'm not doing resolutions. Sure, I have my 30 while 30 list, but they aren't resolutions- even if some of them sound like they are. Those are simply things I wish to do in the coming year.
Instead of resolutions, I'm adopting a word. It will be there to remind me of my goal this coming year, to help encourage me in the direction God is leading, to remind me of who I need to be.
Special thanks to Melanie at Only A Breath for the image!

1 Peter 3:4
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
Not surprisingly, this verse follows the verses telling women to live their life following God even if your husband's life is not- that the word be won by conversation of the wife. It is also following the verses that tell us women that it isn't the fanciness of beautiful hair or expensive jewelry or clothing that we should be known for.
But rather a meek and quiet spirit.
It also tells me that it's going to be something that I have to work towards- because it isn't something that I can "just put on".

Meek and quiet spirit.
Synonyms of meek: gentle, mild, humble, submissive, tame, soft.

Yes, a meek, gentle, mild, humble, submissive, tame, and soft spirit would be great to have, right?
Synonyms of quiet: still, calm, placid, tranquil, peaceful, silent.

Yes, a quiet, still, calm, placid, tranquil, peaceful, and silent spirit would benefit be greatly.

Imagine having a spirit that was humble and silent so you could hear the voice of the Father.

Imagine having a spirit that was so gentle and calm that parenting was done the same way. Imagine how our children would respond to us if we responded to them gently and calmly.
Imagine having a submissive and tranquil spirit that would strengthen our marriages and show our children what a godly marriage looks like.
Imagine having a peaceful spirit in the midst of turmoil.
Yes, imagine life with a meek and quiet spirit.
I'm not perfect, but I have, at times, exhibited some of these characters before, but definitely not all the time or even consistentely.
So yep, that's what my goal is for 2013. A meek and quiet spirit. One that I can only achieve by digging deeper into God's word, lots of prayer, and being willing to make mistakes so I can improve.
May God shine through me this coming year. 





Jenifer Metzger said...

I love the word meek!! So many people see meek as weak, but it is so NOT!

I am announcing my word on Thursday, so excited!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing how the Lord works this one word...meek...in your life!

Unknown said...

Great Word. But one I would be a little scared of tackling right now...and yet not very far from my own word, from what I read in your post. I guess I didn't consider how close meek was to Submission.

I imagine that we are both into a year of great growth.


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