Monday, April 22, 2013

Meant To Be Modest swimwear review (and discount!)

Last year, around this time, the Lord really began working on mine and my husband's hearts. Modesty became a much talked about conversation and while we were never immodest, the Lord revealed how much more modest we could be - in our physical dress, but also, and more importantly, in our heart that would become reflected through our choice of clothes. The outward appearance was easy to change (the girls became skirt wearers only), until true summer hit and we started traveling. We bought very modest swimsuits from Walmart and managed to get through the season. Yet, something just didn't seem right to be desiring the covering of our neck to knee, but wear a swimsuit that showed the thigh- no matter how modest it seemed. I searched and searched until I found swimwear that was reasonable price and fit my families qualifications for swimwear
I KNEW that Meant To Be Modest was PERFECT for us when Julie mentioned on her website that one of her favorite resources for Christian modesty was the book "Christian Modesty and the Public
Undressing of America."
I received this book for Christmas and was amazed at what it said! It really opened my eyes even more. I KNEW that we had to have different choices for swimming this year. (You can read the book online, for free, at Chapel Library)
Three words that I use to describe the swimsuits from Julie. My oldest daughter said they felt like jello- which was a huge compliment!
Julie got our order made and sent out in great time! She included instructions so we knew how to care for them.

 Mistic modeling her swimsuit.

Faith showing off hers!

And Aspen!

All three girls received custom made swimwear. The perfect length, the perfect fabric! They decided rather they wanted matching tights or not. Julie's swimwear are made with high quality lycra and there aren't any snaps or buttons for the kids to mess with. The tights are one piece and the dress is another. Very easy for them to manage.
Meant To Be Modest swimwear isn't just for girls.... Julie makes adult swimsuits, too!
I am SO thankful for people like Julie who make modest clothes at affordable prices for people like me who, well, can't sew worth anything! You can't just go out and buy clothing anymore that covers from neck to knee and it is a true blessing to be able to find them online! Thank you, Julie, for being a huge blessing to me and my family!!!

 She's been gracious enough to offer a $5 discount on suits if you mention Slowly Natural website when you order!!!


The Mama Behind the Story said...

So I know you're backing out of blogging, but wanted to let you know that this post was among the top 3 most visited links last week, so will be featured tomorrow, pinned, and shared across the web. :) Thanks for linking up and help yourself to a button, if you'd like. :)

Amy said...

I've been pressed about modesty and have started making changes toward modest feminine dressing. I've been seeking modest swimwear for awhile, but what absolutely gets me is how do you have breast support as a woman? Anything I'm finding I'd have to wear a second swimsuit underneath for breast support, what do you suggest? Or what is your opinion?

Clarks said...

Amy; Ladies that want support simply wear their own bras under the suit. I've heard that you can purchase something called a "swim bra" that would work perfectly, too :-)
Julie @ Meant to be Modest

Norma said...

I liked the Modest swimsuits I found at Burlington. They covered enough that I was comfortable, while still looking cute and stylish. They had great prices on a number of good options.


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